Saturday, February 27, 2010

Just an Update

We had a warm, sunny, amazing week. Now we are wet, cold, and grey. Tomorrow is to be nicer, but then the rain is back.

I have added one little art class to my schedule, and I'm telling you, I feel stressed and overworked. I'm embarrassed by this because I know all kinds of people who work or take multiple classes while juggling the responsibilities of running a household. Having to get up early and go full tilt all day just two days a week is wearing me out! But, the puzzle is fitting in homework around "Mom!" "Mommy!" "I need! I Neeeeeeed!" I feel awful for sending my little one to day care during my class time. Now I am contemplating getting a babysitter so I can do homework.

Mother-guilt aside, I am enjoying taking this class. I love that it is mine. I like getting out of the house. I even appreciate getting up early to watch the sun rise and then go take on a full day. I especially love that this class forces me to create art. I regularly crave to make art any way I can, but I am a perfectionist at heart, so my fear of failure and imperfection outweighs my need to express myself. This class requires me to be creative whether it comes out perfect or not. I get good feedback and support from others. I get inspiration from seeing other students' work. And, I get the chance to just practice, practice, practice.

Oh, btw, I have lost 1.8 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


I am currently wearing 4 lb weights on my ankles and 2 lb weights on my wrists. I wore them all day yesterday without ever feeling worn out. I even played batminton with my son for 2 hours without dragging (too much). Today is a new day, however. Today, I am moving in slow motion. It is as if the air is thicker, so I have to use more effort to move through it. This better yield some results. If nothing else, I'll be stronger, right?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Calories, Diets, and Exercise! Oh my!

I am geared up and ready to do the unthinkable....I plan to go on a diet. This is something I have never really done and always privately feared. Now, here I am, needing to lose five pounds, wanting to lose ten, unable to do either with my normal routine.

I've tried adding a little exercise to my routine. Although I knew that would probably add weight, I also expected to at least lose inches. I've gained weight and inches. Not the ideal result of working out.

Yesterday, I made plans to go all out - cut my food intake way back, maybe even fast a few days. But, I have two little ones to chase around, so I do need to eat enough to not pass out midchase. Also (and the real reason here) I was starting to freak out thinking about every calorie in every bite. The more I had to focus on how many bites NOT to take and calories NOT to ingest and how I should NOT eat, the more it was on my mind TO EAT. This method seems a little counterproductive to me.

Then my brilliant husband had the idea to make just a few key changes in my habits. So, I came up with these:

1. Leave a few bites on my plate at every meal.
This will, in effect, cut my caloric intake (as long as I don't pile too much on my plate in the first place).

2. Steer clear of all the cheese.
I eat a lot of cheese. Cheese toast, cheese tortillas, alfredo sauce, etc. etc. That's a lot of fat. I need to be choosing veggies and fruit instead.

3. Burn more calories by (a)working out a lot more each day - like an hour, (b)sitting on a yoga ball instead of a regular chair during the day, (c)wearing those wrist and ankle weight things all day around the house.

We'll see if this works. I hope to lose five pounds this month. So, I'll know if it's working by the end of the week.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sunny Days

Ahhhhhhh, warm sunshine.

I am so happy about this weather that I want to run around in circles and giggle like a kid hopped up on sugar and cola. SO HAPPY!!

Yesterday, we ate lunch outside. I sat on the deck and read and did whatever else I could that had the word "OUTSIDE" in the text.

I am definitely heading to the beach today.

You know what is super-awesome about this warm, beautiful, sunny weather? It is supposed to be like this all week. YAY!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Sew What?

I bought a sewing machine. I have sewn just a few times in my life, so this is a big leap. But, I've wanted one for years.

I'm excited to sew super-cute clothes for my daughter. I made her a pair of pants a few days ago. I used a pair of women's pants I had gotten from goodwill as the fabric. I didn't have a pattern and haven't sewn in about 7 years, so they didn't turn out perfect. But, hey, they are actually wearable!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tree Silhouette

Art Class - Silhouettes

I LOVE my art class! This is so much fun!

We are doing this thing right now where we take a photograph that we like, put carbon paper under it, then put white construction paper under that. Then trace the images and shadows over the top of it all. The pressure from the tracing will transfer lines through the carbon paper onto the construction paper. With me so far?
When we're done tracing, we then use an exacto knife to cut out parts of the image. We take those pieces and glue them to another sheet of paper. The result is a contrasting, abstract image. The process is very tedious but really cool. I'll post a picture of one I did of a tree.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Roy's at the Inn at Spanish Bay

Sorry, I went out last night and forgot to photograph where we ate, so you'll have to make due.

My lovermuffin and I went out on a date last night because we realized the last date we had was in early October '09. Seriously, 4 mths ago! Marriage counselors worldwide are shaking their heads in disapproval.

We went to Roy's at the Inn at Spanish Bay. This place was really great for a few reasons:

1. They refund the 17 mile drive fee if you spend $25 (yeah, I'm a sucker for refunds).

2. The place is amazingly beautiful, with a view from our table of the sunset over the bay.

3. We got to walk the paths around the place and down to the beach, which is just so beautiful.
Be forwarned: if you do this, no matter the time of year, bring a coat.

4. The food was orgasmic. I have never had such amazing lamb.

5. I wore jeans and did not feel out of place at all even though the place is high end. This is a big plus for me because even though I adore the idea of dressing up, I HATE the reality of tight dresses and high heels.

6. Last but not least, (this could be viewed as a pro or a con depending on individual preference) one word: bagpiper in kilt. Yeah, baby.

Like everywhere around here, Roy's was expensive, so to curb cost we shared a meal and a dessert. We ended up spending about $60 including tip.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


A few days ago I saw the biggest dolphin pod ever. As in over a
hundred dolphin swimming together like a swarm of bees. I think they
were feeding on a school of fish or something because they were all
close together and stayed right at the surface. A few in front would
randomly jump completely out of the water and splash back down. One
did it over and over again like he just couldn't get all his energy
out, just too excited to swim along like a normal, well behaved
dolphin. Reminded me of my son.

Anyway, seeing them was THE MOST AWESOME THING EVER!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Art Class

I just started an art class. It is just a basics/beginning art class to help me figure out how to put the ideas in my head into tangible form. Good luck with that, Teacher.

I am super excited about this class for a few reasons, but the biggest reason of all is that it is something for me. MINE, ALL MINE! MUWHAHAHA! Seriously, I spend all day (and many nights) everyday taking care of my (wonderful, loving, awesome) family. And, just because they are wonderful, loving, and awesome that doesn't mean they don't eat 5-6 times a day - on dishes (the gall!), get their clothes dirty (sometimes having 3+ outfit changes in a single afternoon), track mud, shed hair (not unlike a persian cat), get stuff out and leave it out (right in the middle of the kitchen floor), need entertainment (i.e. "MOMMMYYYYY!"), get booboos every 5 minutes that need scientific investigation, extensive dialogue, and kisses in EXACTLY the right spot, etc. etc.

So, yeah, this whole art class thing is MOMMY TIME, baby! I was flying so high off this the first day that I actually cried tears of joy on the way home. Am I pityful or what? Maybe just a little.

So, now you'll get to hear all about the great feats and awe inspiring conquests of me and my art class. Yay for you!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Public restroom

That is exactly what I want to smell first thing in the morning -
citrus spray and other people's feces. Now I have started my day off

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Piano Fell On Me! Well, A Figurative Piano Anyway.

I used to have such big dreams long ago this morning. I even had a list written out beautifully and in detail. I was going to accomplish big goals, defeat all odds, conquer small countries. Well, I did plan to clean the house anyway. Because my house is TRASHED! NASTY! GRODIE! Oh, I haven't used the word "grodie" in so long! That felt good.

Anyway, my big dream was to have a clean, partially organized house by the end of the day. I made a very delicious, healthy breakfast for my family (kudos to me), wrote my List of Amazing Accomplishments To Come, cleaned up said awesome breakfast (more kudos), cleaned the bathroom (the kudos are rolling in), and hopped in the shower. Things avalanched quickly from there. The moment I stepped out of the shower, I felt like I had been slammed with a piano. Picture hapless cartoon character trapped under fallen piano with limbs sticking out from under the mess.

The rest of my day has been like hiking through a Savannah swamp. Slow, laborious, and not especially productive. I even took a nap, thinking that would restore my energy, but I feel exactly the same as before. Ugh.

Well, wish me luck. I'm still pushing through, albeit slowly.

Monday, February 1, 2010

No Place Like Home

I really love this place.

I just got back from the Sierras and Reno, traveling through Sacremento, Truckee, & c. The trip was awesome. Beautiful places, amazing snow, wonderful friends. But I gotta tell ya -  there's no place like home.

When I got up early the morning after we got back, I was so damn elated to look out over the ocean. I was all "Awe, my friend! I really missed you!"

I am a vagabond at heart. Traveling is in my soul. Moving every year or so is a habit I have yet to break. Now, though, I get the feeling that I will be here a while. Maybe a long while. I can hardly speak the word, but maybe...permanently.