Saturday, February 27, 2010

Just an Update

We had a warm, sunny, amazing week. Now we are wet, cold, and grey. Tomorrow is to be nicer, but then the rain is back.

I have added one little art class to my schedule, and I'm telling you, I feel stressed and overworked. I'm embarrassed by this because I know all kinds of people who work or take multiple classes while juggling the responsibilities of running a household. Having to get up early and go full tilt all day just two days a week is wearing me out! But, the puzzle is fitting in homework around "Mom!" "Mommy!" "I need! I Neeeeeeed!" I feel awful for sending my little one to day care during my class time. Now I am contemplating getting a babysitter so I can do homework.

Mother-guilt aside, I am enjoying taking this class. I love that it is mine. I like getting out of the house. I even appreciate getting up early to watch the sun rise and then go take on a full day. I especially love that this class forces me to create art. I regularly crave to make art any way I can, but I am a perfectionist at heart, so my fear of failure and imperfection outweighs my need to express myself. This class requires me to be creative whether it comes out perfect or not. I get good feedback and support from others. I get inspiration from seeing other students' work. And, I get the chance to just practice, practice, practice.

Oh, btw, I have lost 1.8 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!