Thursday, March 4, 2010

My Super Awesome New Diet Plan!

Well, I don't have any definitive, clear updates on my Lose Five Pounds in One Month plan. I know, that should really not be that hard to do. I mean, come on, some people are out there losing 10 pounds in a week. I don't know these people personally, but they are out there. I'm sure of it.

Anyway, the truth of my situation can be found in two little words:


I love thin mints. So much so, that last year, when I missed the cookie sale completely, I cried. I CRIED OVER THIN MINT DEPRIVATION! This year, I was not going to be caught off guard. I found a supplier (aka. girl scout) back before Christmas and let her know I needed my fix! I ordered a whole case. Not a box of cookies, a case of cookies. This year, when I cried, it was with tears of joy.
Have I mentioned that I really like thin mints?

SO, here's my new, awesome idea. I'm going to start the THIN MINT DIET. Yeah, you heard me. The Thin Mint Diet. After all, it does have the word "thin" in it.