Saturday, January 9, 2010

Dishwasher Envy

Yesterday, I had some friends over, and we got to talking about dishwashers. They were laughing at how they had tried to figure out a dishwasher while on vacation and had ended up with a fountain of suds pouring out onto the floor because they had used the wrong soap. I giggled and was like HOW DO YOU PEOPLE SURVIVE WITHOUT DISHWASHERS!! Because they didn't have one. They had children in their home dirtying dishes every three seconds just like me but NO DISHWASHER! Did you hear me? NO dishwasher! This I do not understand. It's as if my mind cannot accept that as a reality, so it shuts down. I hear someone say, "Well, we don't have a dishwasher." And, the next thing you know, my eyes are crossed and drool is dripping from the side of my open mouth while I moan and rock back and forth, back and forth.

So, I very calmly and maturely said, "I would DIE without a dishwasher! Seriously. D - I - E."

Then my very awe-inspiring dishwasher-free friends looked at me like "Bless your heart."

Something you should know about the phrase "Bless your heart": years ago I was taught by someone in the know that the loose translation of "bless your heart" is "You are to be pitied because you are mentally challenged." Really. So, the next time some sweet little old lady grins up at you and says, "Awe, bless your heart," rest assured she is really commenting on your stupidity. Feel the love.