Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tree Issues

Time to take down the Christmas tree.

I don't know why I'm like this. Every year, I want my Christmas tree up as soon as possible, like the day after Halloween. Seriously. I am all about two solid months of Christmas lights, ornaments, holiday glow, and anticipation. Then about 2 days after Christmas, I'm done. Over. It. Take that damn thing down! It's cluttering the living room!

This year, I lasted all the way up to yesterday. I started feeling a little pressure yesterday morning, like; "Okay, time to get out the Christmas storage boxes and put the decorations away." This morning, it was more like, "WHERE ARE THE BOXES?" Now, this afternoon, everytime I look at the tree I feel like a dead pet is staring back at me. The tree's got to go!

Can anyone guess what I will be doing when I'm done writing this post?