Just call me Little Miss Crafty Pants 'cause I'm so crafty. Note, I did not say Coordinated, Well-Planned, or Talented. Just Crafty. Lately, I am always thinking about art projects for my class or sewing projects for my little girl. But, I don't always know the best way to make something that doen't make people giggle in mockery.
My art class has gotten my juices flowing. I think about art all the time. The moment I wake up til the moment I go back to bed. I'm inspired by everything and want to try it all. Oddly, this isn't sooo very different from normal, the difference is that I am actually DOING IT! I buy a secondhand sweater, and instead of letting it sit on a table for months only to then stuff it in a closet for years, I USE IT IMMEDIATELY! I cut that puppy up and make shtuff. Now, the end results are not always pretty. For instance, I made some cute little sweater pants. Right. I made the oh-so-obvious, as-bad-as-forgetting-to-plug-in-the-appliance-before-calling-customer-service mistake. I sewed them inside out. Seriously. Slap hand to forhead for me.
Still, I will not be detered or discouraged. I WILL PREVAIL! I AM LITTLE MISS CRAFTY PANTS!