Sunday, March 21, 2010

Thawing Out

 Just last week, I was whining about how I was SO OVER being cold all the time. We keep our heat low in the house through the winter, so I end up wearing layers and jackets and such around the house on cold days. Well, every day was a cold day for a while there. And windy. And gray. And BLAAAH!

 Well, Someone must have heard my complaining and decided to coddle a poor wuss such as me.The past few days have been sunny and super warm. I feel human again. I have picniced in the yard with my kids. Opened all the windows to air the house out (Nothing smells more wonderful than a house that smells like spring). And taken naps in the warm sunshine to thaw myself out(i.e. worked on my tan).

Then then most amazing thing happened. A springtime miracle. I guess the warm, sunny weather has awakened my inner spring-cleaner. Because I have also vacuumed my ceiling. That is worth repeating, I VACUUMED MY CEILING. I looked up and saw cobwebs EVERYWHERE. It was like my ceiling had become one giant web. At any moment, one of my kids might jump too high and never come back down.

Now, my entire body is itching with the need to throw stuff out. My cozy little winter home now feels cluttered and stuffy. So, I guess I'll be going through the closets next. In between tanning/napping that is.

Ahhhh, spring.